The team of the IP Service World strives to always provide you with new interesting and exclusive content to keep you up to date with the current trends and developments in the intellectual property world.
We know that although you are highly interested in this topic, it is not always possible to attend our convention & trade fair. Therefore, we are delighted to share with you some important insights and outcomes of the event last year because knowledge and connections are key in the IP world.
That said, we put together a new whitepaper that we would like to share especially with our online community. It features exclusive interviews with five notable IP experts. All of them focus on the topic: Intellectual property with new technologies.
What you can expect from our new whitepaper
Expert interviewees are for example, Steve Gong (Head of Intellectual Property Management Software at Google), Dr. Beate Avenhaus (IP director at Brose Group) and Belinda Gascoyne from IBM.
When it comes to new technologies in intellectual property, the experts have quite different points of views. Our interviews touch upon the topic in a totally different way and address the issues and challenges from several angles.
Whereas one expert sees artificial intelligence as augmented intelligence, others rather focus on new electronic formats for intellectual property. Themes like cultural change and a lawyer’s everyday work also find a place in this whitepaper. The change of the legal framework of IP with digitalization can also be very interesting for you if you have not thought about it yet.
So no matter what your opinion is about this topic, you will certainly find new ideas and some inspiration in this whitepaper. If you like the content and wish to see more of it in the future, we would love to get direct feedback from you!
Check out and have a good read!