Logo Nordic Patent Institute

Nordic Patent Institute

Who we are

Nordic Patent Institute provides Global Prior Art Searches for Companies and IP law firms. To perform these searches, we use the competences of the patent examiners at the Danish and Norwegian Patent Offices. The examiners are all highly skilled with extensive experience in searching patent and non-patent literature. The searches are performed using the best available search tools and databases.

What we offer

Our services: Prior art searching (patent and non-patent), tailored to fit your needs, including: Validity/Invalidity, FTO/Clearance, Novelty/Patentability, Structure & Sequence search Landscape & Patent Intelligence & Patent monitoringOur Competences: 150 PCT examiners covering all technical fields typically, a master or PhD in their technical field with search fluency in English, German, French and the Scandinavian languages.Our examiners use the same search tools and databases as EPO examiners in their work as well as specialized tools and databases from commercial providers.

What is our booth about

Stop by our booth to hear about our services and participate in our lucky draw for a chance to win a brand new, Danish designed bike. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Exhibitor categories

  • Silver Supporter

Product Categories

  • IP Information & Searching Services
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